Updated January 2025
Etiquette & Code of Conduct for Tamworth Con Community Orchestra
At the Con, we hold our ensemble members to high standards of behaviour and professionalism. Members are expected to be respectful toward others, staff, equipment, and belongings. Scholarship holders, in particular, must model exemplary conduct as ambassadors for the Con. Failure to meet these expectations may lead to the withdrawal of scholarships.
Behaviour expectations
- Use language that is respectful and free from offensive or discriminatory remarks.
- Be friendly, considerate, and supportive of others.
- Arrive on time and be prepared for rehearsals.
- Treat equipment and sheet music with care, bringing a pencil to every rehearsal.
- Practice and come prepared with your music.
- Follow all rules and directions given by staff.
- Respect others’ right to learn in a focused and productive environment.
Commitment and attendance
Ensembles thrive on teamwork, and each member’s contribution is vital.
- Rehearsals and performances: Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is expected. The two rehearsals before a performance are compulsory, and missing them may result in exclusion from the performance.
- Punctuality: Arrive early to be ready to start promptly at the scheduled time.
- Absences: Notify the Con office by emailing admin@thecon.com.au or phoning (02) 6766 6911 for any absences. In emergencies on performance days or outside office hours, contact the Operations Manager on 0467 666 916.
- Late arrivals or early departures: These must be pre-approved by the ensemble director.
- Frequent absences: Unexplained or repeated absences, tardiness, or early departures may lead to a review of membership or scholarships.
- Priority: Students are expected to prioritise their ensemble commitment over other extracurricular activities or family events.
Rehearsal policies
- Rehearsals are closed to non-members unless approved by the director. Occasional open rehearsals will welcome friends and family as spectators.
- Phones and devices: Mobile phones are not to be used during rehearsals or performances. Devices may be collected by the director if necessary.
- Parent/Guardian responsibility: Parents must ensure students are dropped off and picked up promptly. Con staff are not responsible for student supervision outside rehearsal or lesson times.
Sheet music and practice
- Original sheet music: Originals must remain in the rehearsal space, treated with care, and marked only in pencil.
- Practice copies: These are available upon request to take home for preparation. Members are encouraged to use these copies to learn their parts. Practice copies should be returned at the end of the year or membership for proper disposal under copyright guidelines.
- Preparedness: Members are expected to make a reasonable effort to learn their parts based on the repertoire’s difficulty and their experience level.
TCCO uniform
Members are representatives of the Con and must present themselves professionally at all performances:
- Clothing:
- Black pants or skirt (skirts must fall below the knee; no jeans or shorts).
- TCCO dress shirt (provided – discuss with your director).
- Optional: TCCO black polo shirt for less formal events, available for purchase through the office.
- Shoes:
- Clean, black, closed-toe dress or school shoes (no trainers) with practical heel height.
- Black socks or stockings.
- Appearance: Hair, makeup, and jewellery should be neat and tasteful.
Members not adhering to dress standards may be asked to change, sit in a different position, or withdraw from the performance.
Important dates for 2025
TCCO Season Intakes 2025
- Term 1: Weeks 2-5 (13 February – 6 March)
- Term 3: Week 4 (14 August)
Performance policy for 2025
Performances are compulsory unless you’ve obtained prior approval from the director. Your presence is essential to the group’s success, and absences can disrupt the ensemble’s balance.
Please note the following dates in your calendars:
- Teacher’s Notes – 29 March
Exceptional students may be asked to contribute - City of Tamworth Eisteddfod – June
- Showcase & Presentation of Awards – 10 August
- OrchFusion – 18 September
- A Conservatorium Christmas – 5 December
Exceptional students may be asked to also perform on 12 December in the Chapel Theatre